A place to share

An archaic archive


For someone who has always hated writing my thoughts down, it seems strange that I am drawn to creating a blog section on my website.

I still don’t know if this hesitation is due to my inability to hand write, the freeze I would always feel whenever I would write an essay in Uni or just my fear of accountability of my words and the fear of being judged. Regardless much like the relationship an artist should have with their art, I am writing these words for no one else but myself, in much a similar way, hopefully I can improve my skill and possibly find recognition one day.

What You will find in this blog

Whist I disliked the amateur ideas and creations I made whist in my undergrad, I hope a curated transferring of my records of this time might help my audience better understand both my drives and my future trajectory, from seeing my development.

In the near future I will post my tutorial on how to stone carve for beginners, I’ll write about my involvement in the Nature Festival and my ephemeral art workshop, past fringe productions with Vertical Insanity Circus including pictures of the creative process and my own reasoning to why contemporary circus is “visual art”. I am most excited to share brief ramblings on a number of different topics that instead of boring my friends, I can create a suppository of ideas.

I look forward to sharing.