Artist Blog

Hello there, and welcome to my blog! As someone who generally doesn’t like to share through the use of text, starting a blog might seem like a bit of an odd choice.

However, I’ve come to realize that there are some things that can only be expressed through the written word. So, I’ve decided to give it a try and see where it takes me.

This blog will be a space for me to explore my thoughts, ideas, and experiences, and hopefully, it will be a place where we can connect and engage in meaningful conversations. Thank you for joining me on this journey.


Votive Offerings:

A Closer Look at Devotion and Gratitude I have been creating ceramic cast elbows for my arts practice for a number of years without knowing what votive offerings were. It wasn’t until I started to delve deeper into the culture and history of Rome that I discovered the fascinating world of votive offerings. Across cultures […]


A place to share

An archaic archive For someone who has always hated writing my thoughts down, it seems strange that I am drawn to creating a blog section on my website. I still don’t know if this hesitation is due to my inability to hand write, the freeze I would always feel whenever I would write an essay […]


Past Blog Posts